The 7 Habits of Smoking and Why it’s so Hard to Quit

Smokers generally agree that smoking tobacco is addictive. Those who wish to stop this addictive behavior have tried many different methods, often without success. Smoking is not just one habit, but seven inter-related habits. To facilitate the process of quitting, acknowledge and deal with all of these habits.

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Is Death Healthy?

Is Death Healthy?

From the objective point of view, it would seem not. A dead organism does not seem healthy. But from the subjective pov, nothing is healthier than death. If you define health as the absence of disease, when you are dead you have no diseases, so you are absolutely healthy.

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Travel to Other Star Systems

If Humanity can refrain from wiping itself out before establishing beachheads on other planets, within a million years Homo Galacticus, and partner species that it takes along, will make a first approximation of populating this galaxy, and even send out a few intergalactic expeditions.

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Space Travel and Inner Work

If you are in a spaceship and you want to travel to a star, what do you have to do? Throw something out. To change yourself, to become something different, you have to throw something away. Old behavior patterns, conditioning, friends who don’t want you to change, fixed ideas, negative emotions…

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