Energy Levels and Human Potential

Western science recognizes and knows how to deal with four levels of energy: heat, vibrations/fields, atomic, and chemical (molecular.) It does not recognize higher levels of energy, peculiar to life. Ignorant of the higher levels of energy, scientists attempt to explain life totally in terms of those four energies. They don’t see the fundamental difference between a human and “artificial intelligence” – an incorrect and deceptive term.

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Human Brutality, History, and the Future

People kill people. People torture and imprison people. People destroy or enslave whole populations of other people. Ho, hum. Pass the ketchup, please. The Holocaust – what a horror! The Nazis – inhuman beasts! Atypical? Not really. People do behave this way, and have done so for all of recorded history. Probably nearly everyone in the world has ancestors who behaved brutally towards other humans.

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Travel to Other Star Systems

If Humanity can refrain from wiping itself out before establishing beachheads on other planets, within a million years Homo Galacticus, and partner species that it takes along, will make a first approximation of populating this galaxy, and even send out a few intergalactic expeditions.

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The Noospherian Revolution

The Creative Culture Revolution is about 40,000 years old, the Agricultural Revolution about 10,000. But it was only with the Industrial Revolution, beginning about 250 years ago, that humans began to have such an impact on the Biosphere that they can well be called a Kingdom of Life. The next revolution, already begun, is the Noospherian Revolution.

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The Biospherist Manifesto

Who takes the responsibility for the future of humanity? You do! Taking the viewpoint of Emergent Evolution, the Biosphere, or “Gaia,” needs and wants to reproduce, and that is why humans were evolved.

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