Diseases of Identity

Since the body with all its systems responds to the basic ideas patterned in the nervous system, confusion about identity in the social matrix reflects in confusion about identity in the micro physical scale of the immune system. Thus we see a huge increase, almost an epidemic, of diseases related to immune system function.

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Are Doctors Tricksters?

If I mention to friends a physical problem, immediately they ask, “Have you been to a doctor?” The doctor mystique: magicians in white coats. Doctors and so-called “healers” don’t heal anyone and never have. To say a doctor heals someone is just as much a lie as to say a gardener or farmer “grows” plants. The body heals itself. Casanova said, “Doctors may heal some people, but they probably kill as many as they heal.”

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The Perfect Food for Humans

Some say, “Eat what your body wants. It will choose the food that’s most healthy.” This certainly applies to an animal living in the ecosytem to which it evolved. But humans don’t have an ecosystem anymore. We left the Garden of Eden long ago.

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The 7 Habits of Smoking and Why it’s so Hard to Quit

Smokers generally agree that smoking tobacco is addictive. Those who wish to stop this addictive behavior have tried many different methods, often without success. Smoking is not just one habit, but seven inter-related habits. To facilitate the process of quitting, acknowledge and deal with all of these habits.

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3 Kinds of Food and the Importance of Freshness

There are 3 kinds of food: food, air, and impressions. The quality of these 3 kinds of food has a definite influence on the body’s health as well as its state of being. Foods also contain “Life Energy” or “Life Force.” Older traditions call it Chi, Prana, Mana, Baraka, and so on. Wilhelm Reich re-discovered it and called it Orgone Energy.

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