When and How Did Christianity Go Wrong?

Some over-enthusiastic students preached Jesus’ teachings, misinterpreted and garbled as so often happens, aiming to solidify and limit them. They assumed words spoken for specific people in a certain time and place, would work for everyone everywhere and any time. Exhilarated by their power, they threatened and intimidated, even killed and injured to control people, setting a precedent that would expand and endure for two millenia.

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Why do people live as long as we do? Could they live longer? Did some people live much longer in the remote past? If so, how?

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Human Brutality, History, and the Future

People kill people. People torture and imprison people. People destroy or enslave whole populations of other people. Ho, hum. Pass the ketchup, please. The Holocaust – what a horror! The Nazis – inhuman beasts! Atypical? Not really. People do behave this way, and have done so for all of recorded history. Probably nearly everyone in the world has ancestors who behaved brutally towards other humans.

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Being Alive Now

Being alive now we take part in a major new transformation, cosmically significant. The times we live in mark an extraordinary evolutionary change on the scale of billions of years!

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