Western science recognizes and knows how to deal with four levels of energy: heat, vibrations/fields, atomic, and chemical (molecular.) It does not recognize higher levels of energy, peculiar to life. Ignorant of the higher levels of energy, scientists attempt to explain life totally in terms of those four energies. They don’t see the fundamental difference between a human and “artificial intelligence” – an incorrect and deceptive term.
Read ArticleArticles: Individual Evolution
Individual Evolution
Why do people live as long as we do? Could they live longer? Did some people live much longer in the remote past? If so, how?
Read ArticleDecision Exercise
Besides giving practice in making decisions, the Decision Exercise helps the understanding of past, present, and future, and how they inter-relate.
Read ArticleEmotional Education: Riding Your Inner “Horse”
Most people do not educate, “lead out” their “horse,” emotional brain, so they are at the mercy of whatever emotions “hit” them. The emotionally uneducated person accepts whatever emotions arise, as a given. Read on to find out how to train and “ride” your emotional “horse.”
Read ArticleWalking the Labyrinth
The labyrinth is based on a circle. Inside the circle is a pattern of lines forming paths you can walk. You start from the entrance, walk around and around and back and forth, and eventually make it to the center. Then you walk the same path out.
Sounds kind of dumb, no? Why walk a labyrinth? Well, it’s a meditation. The labyrinth is a metaphor for life.
Read ArticleIs Death Healthy?
Is Death Healthy?
From the objective point of view, it would seem not. A dead organism does not seem healthy. But from the subjective pov, nothing is healthier than death. If you define health as the absence of disease, when you are dead you have no diseases, so you are absolutely healthy.
Read ArticleSpace Travel and Inner Work
If you are in a spaceship and you want to travel to a star, what do you have to do? Throw something out. To change yourself, to become something different, you have to throw something away. Old behavior patterns, conditioning, friends who don’t want you to change, fixed ideas, negative emotions…
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