Why Life Has No Meaning

Many people complain about the meaninglessness of life. Some go so far as to commit suicide because of it. So, does life have meaning that we could find, if we search for it? No, it doesn’t. Why not?

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Human Brutality, History, and the Future

People kill people. People torture and imprison people. People destroy or enslave whole populations of other people. Ho, hum. Pass the ketchup, please. The Holocaust – what a horror! The Nazis – inhuman beasts! Atypical? Not really. People do behave this way, and have done so for all of recorded history. Probably nearly everyone in the world has ancestors who behaved brutally towards other humans.

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Being Alive Now

Being alive now we take part in a major new transformation, cosmically significant. The times we live in mark an extraordinary evolutionary change on the scale of billions of years!

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Emotional Education: Riding Your Inner “Horse”

Most people do not educate, “lead out” their “horse,” emotional brain, so they are at the mercy of whatever emotions “hit” them. The emotionally uneducated person accepts whatever emotions arise, as a given. Read on to find out how to train and “ride” your emotional “horse.”

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Common Sense: Everybody Knows What it is?

“Everybody knows…” Really? “It’s just common sense.” “Common Sense” refers to a vague notion that x should be obvious to any “normal” person. Street smarts. Folk wisdom. Savvy. Savoir faire. Wit. Culturally conditioned responses “make sense” within a particular social context. Today we will examine a more precise definition. Everybody has an objective faculty which can be called “Common Sense”.

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Walking the Labyrinth

The labyrinth is based on a circle. Inside the circle is a pattern of lines forming paths you can walk. You start from the entrance, walk around and around and back and forth, and eventually make it to the center. Then you walk the same path out.

Sounds kind of dumb, no? Why walk a labyrinth? Well, it’s a meditation. The labyrinth is a metaphor for life.

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