So you seek a formula for making lots of money? A tried and true method?
A number of people make good livings by teaching others how to make money.
These kind of people always start out by saying something like: I made x amount of money with my methods and now I want to share them with others.
With such successful methods, why teach? Why not just rake in shitloads of money? Why create competitors?
Perhaps altruism motivates them: their hearts bleed for all those poor people who want to make money and don’t know how. But in that case, why do they charge money for their teachings?
I think I smell a rat.
Logic reveals two deductions:
- Such a person finds that he can make money more easily by teaching his method than by applying the method.
- You would do better to follow his example than to practice what he preaches.
So if you want to make money quickly and easily: tell others about your system with which they can make money fast and furious, and offer to teach it to them for a “reasonable fee.” It’s a no-brainer: “Once you apply my methods and see how easy it is, you’ll laugh at how little it cost you, by comparison. You’ll even think I was dumb for giving it away so cheap.”
Most people, if they don’t make money by following your suggestions, will assume it’s their fault. They didn’t do it right, they missed some important point, they gave up too soon.
But if they do come back and complain that it didn’t work, you say, “Ah, you’re not just an ordinary person. You’re exceptional. You, among very few others, qualify for the Advanced Course.” (Which course of course costs more.)
Okay, the nitty-gritty. How will you do this?
- First, read all the classics and best selling books about how to make money, such as Think and Grow Rich, and Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Visit any large bookstore or search on Amazon where they will have most of them; then you can check them out of your local library, if you can’t afford to buy them.
- Make notes of all the important points.
- Then visit the major websites which offer courses, webinars etc. about moneymaking. Read all their teasers, download any free ebooks, watch any free videos and again make notes of the main themes.
If you do all that, you might even learn how to make money!
- Put together a course. Don’t plagiarize; put everything in your own words.
- Come up with an original, official sounding name for your “system,” hire someone to design a flashy web site (or do it yourself if you’re tech-savvy) and you’re off!
- Write your own teasers, rope them in with a free trial offer, give a “risk-free” money-back guarantee – you can read up about how to do all that stuff.
Before you know it you’ll be a get-rich-quick guru! Don’t forget you heard it here first! (And don’t forget to send me a cut of your profits!) If you feel that you can’t manage this on your own, contact me for coaching. The price is quite reasonable.
Maybe this sounds unscrupulous to you? Think of it this way: even though you haven’t actually used your “system” to make money, you’ll be offering your students all the money-making ideas people have invented.
As con artists, casino owners, stockbrokers, and others have always known, the best way to get money out of people is to play on their greed.
Hell, this sounds so tasty I might even try it myself!
What’s that you say? You don’t like the idea of ripping people off? Okay: I humbly offer you my own, personal money making system. Low on glamour, I’m afraid, but it does work.
Observe how people are making money and do that. With your own personal touch, of course. End of story.
But if you want to make money without thinking, without studying, and with no effort, then… I will share with you, just you, my friend, a real, absolutely surefire scheme that will in no time see us calling each other from deck chairs on the beaches of our very own private islands while being served fancy drinks by awesome bikini-clad women (or hot guys, if you prefer) and laughing at the suckers. Sound good?
I just need a little up-front money, friend.