March 2023
Greetings, fellow traveller! You have landed on the home page of weird and wild Cat Hearth.
You can now read and download all my plays.
If you are new to this website I recommend reading my first 2 posts first: The Biospherist Manifesto, and The Noospherian Revolution
For other posts, scroll through the list below, or go to the menu Articles and browse by category.
I don’t call it a blog because blogs are usually about one subject and this will be about many different things.
I turned off comments because I don’t intend for this site to be a forum. You are welcome to send feedback via the contact form and to post quotes, comments, and links on your own web site or social media.
There’s a donate page in case you feel inspired enough to want to pay something back. Any amount is appreciated.
Walking the Labyrinth
The labyrinth is based on a circle. Inside the circle is a pattern of lines forming paths you can walk. You start from the entrance, walk around and around and back and forth, and eventually make it to the center. Then you walk the same path out.
Sounds kind of dumb, no? Why walk a labyrinth? Well, it’s a meditation. The labyrinth is a metaphor for life.
Read Article→The Next 2000 Years
The task of humanity for the next epoch, that is 2000 years, is two-pronged.
Read Article→Interview With a Coffee Taster
In this article we interview the famous coffee expert Pierre La Longue Langue. He flies in the face of common opinion by suggesting that espresso based drinks taste bad.
Read Article→The 7 Habits of Smoking and Why it’s so Hard to Quit
Smokers generally agree that smoking tobacco is addictive. Those who wish to stop this addictive behavior have tried many different methods, often without success. Smoking is not just one habit, but seven inter-related habits. To facilitate the process of quitting, acknowledge and deal with all of these habits.
Read Article→Is Death Healthy?
Is Death Healthy?
From the objective point of view, it would seem not. A dead organism does not seem healthy. But from the subjective pov, nothing is healthier than death. If you define health as the absence of disease, when you are dead you have no diseases, so you are absolutely healthy.
Read Article→Travel to Other Star Systems
If Humanity can refrain from wiping itself out before establishing beachheads on other planets, within a million years Homo Galacticus, and partner species that it takes along, will make a first approximation of populating this galaxy, and even send out a few intergalactic expeditions.
Read Article→Space Travel and Inner Work
If you are in a spaceship and you want to travel to a star, what do you have to do? Throw something out. To change yourself, to become something different, you have to throw something away. Old behavior patterns, conditioning, friends who don’t want you to change, fixed ideas, negative emotions…
Read Article→3 Kinds of Food and the Importance of Freshness
There are 3 kinds of food: food, air, and impressions. The quality of these 3 kinds of food has a definite influence on the body’s health as well as its state of being. Foods also contain “Life Energy” or “Life Force.” Older traditions call it Chi, Prana, Mana, Baraka, and so on. Wilhelm Reich re-discovered it and called it Orgone Energy.
Read Article→Five Commonly Accepted Lies About Money
“Money makes the world go ’round…” What is money, anyway? Are there different kinds of money? Can anyone “create” money? Is time money? Here you can read the answers.
Read Article→Will Love Save the World?
Is love good? Depends on the context. Is gravity good? It holds us to the Earth. In fact the Earth and the Sun would not exist without gravity. But if you are falling off a cliff, gravity is not good for you, in that situation. You might wish it could be temporarily suspended!
Read Article→