March 2023
Greetings, fellow traveller! You have landed on the home page of weird and wild Cat Hearth.
You can now read and download all my plays.
If you are new to this website I recommend reading my first 2 posts first: The Biospherist Manifesto, and The Noospherian Revolution
For other posts, scroll through the list below, or go to the menu Articles and browse by category.
I don’t call it a blog because blogs are usually about one subject and this will be about many different things.
I turned off comments because I don’t intend for this site to be a forum. You are welcome to send feedback via the contact form and to post quotes, comments, and links on your own web site or social media.
There’s a donate page in case you feel inspired enough to want to pay something back. Any amount is appreciated.
The Noospherian Revolution
The Creative Culture Revolution is about 40,000 years old, the Agricultural Revolution about 10,000. But it was only with the Industrial Revolution, beginning about 250 years ago, that humans began to have such an impact on the Biosphere that they can well be called a Kingdom of Life. The next revolution, already begun, is the Noospherian Revolution.
Read Article→The Biospherist Manifesto
Who takes the responsibility for the future of humanity? You do! Taking the viewpoint of Emergent Evolution, the Biosphere, or “Gaia,” needs and wants to reproduce, and that is why humans were evolved.
Read Article→